Why should we practice Yoga outdoors? If you already attend classes at a studio, or are new to Yoga and want to give it a try, you’re probably already aware of some of the benefits these ancient techniques have to offer. But what can be gained by moving your mat outside? Well, quite a bit, according to increasing amounts of recent research. There are several benefits of Beach Yoga you should be aware of…
Sun therapy is important; however, it’s estimated that North Americans spend approximately 90% of their life indoors. The technology and convenience of modern living have evolved much more quickly than our physiology is able, so we are still adapted to function optimally with a much higher percentage of our time spent outside.
Sunlight alone (with safe exposure) is responsible for a range of health-enhancing effects, including vitamin D production which helps maintain healthy bones; regulation of circadian rhythms, digestion and adrenal glands; and naturally raising serotonin levels, lowering depression and SAD.
But what if it’s cloudy out…is it still worth opting for a Beach Yoga session? Again, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” In 2019, a study of 20, 000 people led by Matthew White at the University of Exeter showed that participants who spent at least two hours per week in outdoor spaces like parks or other natural environments were substantially more likely to report overall good health than those who didn’t. Many studies are showing that spending time in nature can positively impact our physical and emotional well-being.
So by practicing Beach Yoga you’ll be receiving all these benefits of being outside, along with everything else that Yoga has to offer.
This all sounds good, but are there any downsides? Well, both beginner and experienced practitioners alike may prefer to have privacy for their practice, rather than being out in public. But choosing a quieter time of day and an emptier area of the beach can help with this. And then there’s the weather…sessions may need to be cancelled or relocated in inclement conditions. It’s also wise to bring warm comfortable layers of clothing in case it’s cooler by the water.
Overall, we think the benefits of Beach Yoga far outweigh any drawbacks. So give stretching and breathing outside a try. Move your mat outdoors for some Yoga at the beach and prepare to be inspired!
A lovely option when travelling to Tofino (or even if you live here!) is to create your own “Yoga Retreat Day”, when you enjoy experiences that reflect your goals for health, fitness and relaxation. As these are unique for everyone, you can choose activities that align with your interests.
Our personal preferences for a wellness retreat? Enjoy an early morning indoor or Beach Yoga practice, followed by breakfast and a beach walk. After lunch, either stroll on another beach, go surfing or have a spa treatment. Then do some gentle stretching, Breath and Meditation. After dinner rest, relax and enjoy the evening!
We offer a “Create your own Tofino Retreat” package with discounts available for those booking multiple sessions. Please see our Services page if you’re interested in more information.